For teachers

The Taksvärkki campaign has a strong Global citizenship education component

The goal of Taksvärkki’s global citizenship education is to raise a sense of global responsibility in Finnish youth.

Taksvärkki’s volunteer Global Educators visit elementary and secondary schools in different parts of Finland and hold workshops on youth advocacy, equality, discrimination against people with disabilities and children’s rights. These participatory workshops are complemented by high-quality learning materials and study packages for teachers. 

Currently the learning materials of When you feel safe campaign are not available in English. You can find the campaign’s learning material in Finnish and the same learning material in Swedish.

Read more about Taksvärkki’s global citizenship education.

Aura Alarto
Global education officer
050 348 5668,

Kuusi nuorta kävelee melkein rivissä kohti kameraa hiekkaisella kujalla, jota reunustavat matalat aaltopellistä rakennetut talot. Nuoret juttelevat ja vitsailevat keskenään.
Joseph, Miriam, Faith Purity, Manasses, Tabitha and Maryann are members in youth associations of Kenyan young people who live and work on the streets. Photo: Brian Otieno.
Nuoren kasvokuva.

”I feel safe when when I’m talking with someone I trust. And when another person is interested in how I am.” 

Maryann, 20, Nairobi

Nuoren kasvokuva.

“What makes me feel safe is knowing that I am accepted for who I am. And being able to stay at home safely and move safely.”

Matilda, 14, Hyvinkää