Taksvärkki is committed to respect and promote human rights, national and international law, and to treat all those involved in the operation with respect and equality. Taksvärkki adheres to principles of openness, transparency and accountability in all its activities, and actively prevents potential misconduct, corruption, discrimination, sexual abuse and harassment and any other kind of exploitation.
Those acting on behalf of Taksvärkki are required to:
- commit to the promotion of equality and refrain from any form of discrimination
- protect children and young people involved and respect their rights
- address detected misconduct, exploitation, harassment and abuse
Taksvärkki expects its staff, volunteers, board members and other people acting on its behalf to adhere to the Ethical Code of Conduct of Taksvärkki (pdf). Same ethical standards are required from our partners.
If there is any suspicion of misuse of funds, abuse, discrimination or harassment in Taksvärkki’s own activities or in projects funded by Taksvärkki, we encourage those to be reported to us immediately. Tips and detailed information on actions taken in violation of ethical principles will be investigated, and corrective action will be taken if necessary. All reports are handled with discretion. Anonymous reports are also handled with care, but providing contact information and a precise description of events makes it easier to investigate cases.
Please report any concerns using the form below. The form can be completed anonymously.
Alternatively, suspicions of misuse of development cooperation funds can be reported directly to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland by filling out their report form.