Youth making a change

Operation A Day´s Work Finland promotes human rights and active citizenship of youth

Learn more about Taksvärkki
Dark blue text When you feel safe.

Young people all over the world experience unsafety.
Together we build a safer world!

From youth to youth –
Taksvärkki Fundraising

Close-up of a young person looking towards, they have a beanie and a t-shirt. Dark blue text When you feel safe.

Taksvärkki / ODW Finland

Operation A Day’s Work Finland (Taksvärkki ry) is a Finnish non-governmental organisation engaged in development cooperation and global education since 1967.

Global Education

ODW Finland produces learning materials and study packages for teachers and educators. We inform about the life of children and young people while seeking to dismantle stereotypes of life in the global South.

Development Cooperation

The objective of ODW Finland’s development cooperation programme is to promote youth rights and the participation of young people in society as well as active citizenship.

Role models from Nairobi share their experiences in a new exhibition

Kenyan youth are the main protagonists of the exhibition consisting of photos, videos and a VR experience.

Valokuvassa nuori nairobilainen nainen on kääntynyt katsomaan kohti kameraa. Naisella on vaaleansininen paita ja pitkät mustat hiukset. Kuvan päällä on teksti From zero to hero.

Everyone faces difficulties in life. What can help in a difficult and contradictory situation?

Welcome to the exhibition organized jointly by Helinä Rautavaara museum, Undugu Kenya and Taksvärkki in Espoo 21.3.2024–31.1.2026

News from Taksvärkki